Agenda ile de france

  Du jeudi 30 juin 2016 au samedi 2 juillet 2016

L'Institut G9+ s’associe à Viva Technology et organise une conférence le 1er Juillet à 16h sur les compétences clés du manager de la transformation numérique.

Paris - ile de france

Manager sa transformation numérique, à la française ou à l’américaine ?
Dans le cadre de Viva Technology, l'institut G9+ crée le débat sur la transformation numérique. Faut-il l'internaliser ou l'externaliser ? Retours d'expériences et témoignages de terrain seront partagés par Aymeril Hoang, Directeur de l'innovation du Groupe Société Générale, John Lewis, Président de l’accélérateur Tektos, qui travaille pour la SNCF entre autres entreprises et Brigitte Cantaloube, la Chief Digital Officer de PSA. Ce débat fera aussi émerger des points de vue croisés entre la France et les Etats-Unis, sous la modération de Nadia Robinet, coach, et François Doux, co-responsable du cycle média et numérique au G9+ - tous deux membres de l’Institut G9+.  

« Le CDO soit-il créer une structure en interne avec une équipe dédiée ou bien chercher des solutions à l’extérieur ? Nous chercherons à répondre à cette question lors de la conférence » précise François Doux, co-responsable du cycle média et numérique au G9+.
Speakers de la conférence G9+: 

John Lewis, Tektos President:
John Lewis has over 30 years of entrepreneurial experience between Paris, London, New York, and Boston. He has lead several enterprises, and has also founded nine different companies. Four of them sold as independent entities and two were bought by competitors. John was a portfolio manager of pension and mutual funds at several asset management companies in London, New York and Boston. He started his career as a quantitative analyst, most notably, with the OECD. John teaches portfolio managment and entrepreneurship at several universties in Paris. He previously was a professor at HEC Paris and is currently a professor and the co-director of the Portfolio Managment Masters program at IAE Gustave Eiffel.  He helped start the accelerators Le Camping and Dojoboost and has been an organizer and mentor for StartupWeekend and Next.
Aymeril HOANG - Societe Generale Group Head of Innovation
Within the context of the ongoing digital transition and transformation of all Societe General business lines, Aymeril Hoang’s mission is to spread the innovation culture and momentum throughout the Societe Generale group.

Graduted of Ecole Normale Supérieure, Aymeril Hoang has an Agrégation in Economics and Management, a Masters in Public Finance Law (Paris II) and a B.A. in Econometrics (Paris I). He joined ARCEP (the French telecom regulatory authority) in 1999 and the Ministry of the Economy’s DGCCRF (general directorate for competition) in 2003 to work on opening up the telecom sector to competition. Between 2005 and 2008, he headed the digital team at the French Trade Office in San Francisco and accompanied close to 80 French start-ups. In 2009, he joined the French Embassy in Washington DC as advisor in innovation and new technologies. In 2010, he became COO of an Internet start-up in property services. In 2012, he was appointed Innovation, Digital and Attractiveness Advisor to the French Minister for Small Businesses, Innovation and the Digital 2 Economy, where he steered the “French Tech” initiative. Since March 2014, Aymeril has been an advisor to venture capital company 360 Capital Partners.
Brigitte Cantaloube : Chief Digital Officer
A graduate of EDHEC Business School, Brigitte Cantaloube began her career with the Expansion media group in 1992. In 2000, she became Partnerships and Marketing Director of the group's Internet subsidiary. Two years later, she was appointed Sales Director of French weekly L’Express. In 2006, she joined Yahoo France as Commercial Director, becoming Managing Director and Vice President of Sales as of 2009. In 2014, she was appointed Vice President and Commercial Director for Europe, Middle East and Africa at Yahoo. She has been appointed Chief Digital Officer of PSA Group the 1st February 2016

Viva Technology réunira du 30 juin au 2 juillet 2016 des milliers de startups, d’investisseurs et de groupes internationaux à Paris.  Cet événement organisé par Publicis et les Echos a été conçu pour permettre aux startups « de collaborer avec plusieurs dizaines de milliers de dirigeants, d'investisseurs, d'universitaires et de leaders d'opinion du monde entier et de participer à la transformation des grandes entreprises. »


  site de l'événement

Lieu de l'événement
Informations pratiques :
Du 30 Juin au 2 Juillet
Hall 1
Parc des Expositions de Porte de Versailles
1, place de la Porte de Versailles (75015) Paris
• Institut G9+
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Tout public

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